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Zero Cost Marketing

Do you know how big companies get large scale sales without spending huge amounts of money on marketing?

The answer is Zero Cost Marketing.

I'm sure that we all know that the Internet is the natural choice today for business owners struggling to get their message out and the big companies have known for a long time that the use of the Internet for marketing is a win win but for smaller businesses and startups the learning curve and high cost can be a real challenge.

The high cost and confusion of how all the various marketing solutions work tends to stop small business owners and their message from being seen.

The solution to this delema is a lot simpler than what most people think and once you understand how zero cost marketing works and how easy it is to implement can open a whole new opportunity for small business owners and start-ups.

Most people think of zero cost marketing as simply free marketing but that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Let’s dive deep into the detailed knowledge of zero cost marketing.

Zero cost marketing is a marketing strategy that needs zero or negligible cash to market or promote various products or services.

Traditionally the typical marketing channels were TV, newspapers, radio, banners, mail and a few more less known sources of marketing. Most of these were cost-consuming and in some cases very costly.

One of the best marketing strategies that companies can use is word-of-mouth. It's very cost effective and works well because of the KNOW, LIKE and TRUST factor as well as creating awareness of your brand, product or service at a very low cost.

Getting your marketing budget to a zero cost level can depend on how clever you can be when building a marketing campagne.

For example, building a campagne that offers an incentive to try or receive a free product or service in order to pre-frame a higher or main product or service, typically known as a loss leader.

Utilizing a loss leader can be viewed as not really a zero cost marketing approach because you could actually be loosing money on the front end in this senario. Hense the term "loss leader."

Another example could be an offer that has a marketing or advertising expense initially but receives a break even revenue on the back end. What this means is you are paying for the exposure of your brand product or service with the hope that you will have a break even at some point and possibly a profit in the future. So again this is not really zero cost marketing.