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Gourmet coffee is more expensive than the standard supermarket brands, but there is simply no comparison in the quality of the coffee. You don't need to be wealthy to enjoy gourmet coffee. You can enjoy it when ever you want, or it would be a nice thing to keep for weekends or when ever you had special company over for a visit.
To make your own gourmet coffee, start with the coffee beans. Gourmet Coffee beans can be purchased in several forms, by the pound or by the kilo and so on and there are several varieties from which to choose. Some of the most admired gourmet coffee beans include Kona, Jamaican Blue Mountain, and Sumatra types.
Coffee beans are similar to wine in that they name the coffee beans after the region of origin. In the world of wine you have the well-liked Sonoma wines which come from Sonoma Valley in California. In the world of premium coffee the equivalent would be Kona coffee beans which come from Kona, Hawaii.
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